Thursday, May 23, 2013

Morning has Broken

This shawl I crocheted as part of a 'Swap' I took part in.

A swap is fun to do.
On Ravelry there are many "swap" communities and I belong to the "New Zealand and Australia Swaps" group.

Within this group Swaps are organised all through the year.

A swap is a themed exchange of gifts. Often a price value is set along with expectations for content.
If you parttake, you are allocated a partner, (sometimes a 'secret one') by a moderator of the group. And each of you put together a parcel according to the swap rules and these then get send to each other by a certain date.

This shawl I made as part of an Autumn themed swap that needed to contain; a handmade item in Autumn theme, some yarn/ fibre or fabric and two treats.

This is the pattern I used for this shawl.

I am rather pleased with how it turned out.
Now I just hope my partner likes it too.

Swaps are fun and full of surprise. You never kow what you are going to receive. And you are always anxious to see your partners response to what you send.
Can be nervewrecking. But that keeps life entertaining.....

Anyway my partner has received it now, so I can let you share let you know she loved the shawl and the parcel.
Here is what I send;

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