Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby things

When you spin and knit you find your self left with odds and ends of wool. It soon adds up and leaves you wondering where to store it all or what to do with it.

I resort to knit up my stash every now and then and make little projects like these baby items, slippers, shawls or socks.
They make neat gifts.
or they are stored for that stall at the market I may some day occupy, who knows.

I must say that when you spend so many hours in producing items it is actually quite difficult to part with them.

This modern looking baby wrap is ideal! It is called a Cache Coeur and wraps around the baby, crosses across the heart and under it's arms where it fastens with buttons at the back. Guaranteed to stay on!
The hat I just designed myself to go with the outfit.

The pattern is from the Ashford 'Wheel' magazine of issue 19, 2007 

PS the little Steiner doll I also made by hand from a dutch pattern book for steiner dolls for all stages of a childs life. It is sooooo cute, isn't it.

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